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International Independent Film Festival
International Independent Film Festival
19 – 28.01.2024

Mini Black Movie in nurseries and kindergartens.

We propose a program of short films from around the world, giving many mini-spectators their first experience of cinema.

Since 2007, the festival reaches out to children aged 2 to 6 attending childcare centres. It offers a programme of short films from around the world, giving mini viewers their first cinema experience.

This project, carried out in collaboration with the Maison de la créativité makes it possible to screen the programme within the institutions themselves, with an activity depending on the location (transforming a room into a movie theatre, afternoon tea party, crafting, etc.).

During the 2016 edition, the offer was extended to the canton, and in 2023 around 86 nurseries and kindergartens took part in the Mini Black Movie, with a total of around 7,000 spectators.

This year, the Mini Black Movie invites itself at the Maison de la créativité on Wednesday 24 and Saturday 27 January.

Practical Info

Maison de la créativité
Wednesday 24.01.2024 & Saturday 27.01.2024  10:00, 11:00, 15:00, 16:00

School screenings (primary school level)

Since 2007, school screenings are offered to students in public schools (in collaboration with École&Culture) and private schools (AGEP) at the primary school level.

During the 2023 edition, 19 sessions were offered to a total of 2,730 students.

The 2024 school program addresses a key theme for primary school students: ecology.

Ecology is an essential concept to discuss with pupils, to awaken their awareness of environmental issues and to encourage them to take care of the world around them. And what better way than through animated films to reflect together on the issues of pollution, waste of resources and respect for living beings, while highlighting the importance and beauty of nature.

Autumn screenings: Great cinema for Kids

During the autumn of 2023, four programmes of short films have been screened both in the centre of Geneva and in eight neighbouring municipalities (Bernex, Chêne-Bourg, Grand-Lancy, Grand-Saconnex, Meyrin, Onex, Plan-les-Ouates and Vernier).
These screening were mostly free and were intended to provide access to quality films for children living in areas where there are no movie theatres.

September: Voyage
  • Conte d’une graine – Yawen Zheng – China, USA
  • Tulipe – Andrea Love & Phoebe Wahl – USA
  • Lístek – Aliona Baranova – Czech Republic
  • Lion bleu – Zoia Trofimova – Russia, France

October: Écologie
  • Big Booom – Marat Narimanov – Russia
  • Hazalambo – Sitraka Randriamahaly – Madagascar
  • Kiko et les animaux – Yawen Zheng – France, Switzerland, China
  • Forest Guard – Māris Brinkmanis – Latvia
  • El pingüino y la ballena – Ezequiel Torres & Pablo Rafael Roldán – Argentina
  • Suzie in the Garden – Lucie Sunková – Czech Republic, Slovakia

November: Famille
  • Un jour si blanc - Vasily Tchirkov – Russia, Canada
  • About a Mother – Dina Velikovskaya – Russia
  • À l’air libre – Gabriella Coumau, Alyx Eycalle, Constantin Rytz, Saliha Sittler – France
  • Good Night – Makiko Nanke – Japan
  • Battery Daddy – Seung-bae Jeon – South Korea
  • Father and Daughter – Chenglin Xie – China
  • Mon papi s’est caché – Anne Huynh – France

Decembrer: Vivre-ensemble
  • Luce and the Rock – Britt Raes – Belgium
  • El desayuno – Cristian Camilo Arcos Cerón – Colombia
  • Naissance des oasis – Marion Jamault – France
  • Bellysaurus – Philip Watts – Australia
  • Rabbit and Deer – Péter Vácz – Hungary

After-school workshops

Since the beginning of the 2013-14 school year, the festival has been offering children attending GIAP (extracurricular activities), introductory moving image workshops during which they are encouraged to make optical games or short animated films.

You can find a selection of films made during previous workshops at this address:

Children’s prize

A jury made up of children aged 7 to 10 (registrations are open to the public) will be asked, after a short training session, to evaluate a selection of short animated films and to select the film to be awarded the prix des Enfants.

Registration here.