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International Independent Film Festival
International Independent Film Festival
19 – 28.01.2024

Black Movie for Kids

Waiting to be captured - by the painter or the gourmet - the octopus strikes the pose, looking hagard and with its heart on its suction cup. He thinks about the cinematic feast it’s about to enjoy, browsing the sprawling Black Movie for Kids programme in its mind.

Generously composed of 40 films, the menu combines the inspirations of some thirty countries and intermingles forms that are as exuberant as they are enticing. Some of the dishes are carefully flavoured to reveal the fragility of nature, and while the importance of ecology and respect for living beings remains paramount, the festivities are not neglected. As proof: an exciting weekend dedicated to children during which there will be exciting screenings, creative workshops and gourmet breaks. For dessert, a cine-concert will celebrate French poetry in the majestic setting of the Théâtre Les Salons.
Conceived as a place of exchange, gentleness and above all pleasure - like a banquet - the Black Movie for Kids is sure to fill the appetite and flatter the senses of cinephiles of all ages.