Los lobos del Este
English subtitles
Tatsuya Fuji in Five Films
Grumpy old Akira (Tatsuya Fuji), a skilled hunter, has difficulty to lay down his weapons. Wolves have been extinct in the Higashi-Yoshino mountains for over 100 years, but Akira is convinced otherwise. To satisfy his obsession, he will alienate some of his friends and comrades. He also flees the ghosts of his past, a lost love, a cuban woman who preferred revolution over him. Obsessed, he returns to the forest.
A fake sequel to Kazuo Kuroki's Cuban Lover (1969), the romantic tale of a Japanese sailor who falls in love with a Cuban activist, Los lobos del Este is full of references: drinks, music and persistent images from Cuban Lover.
In 1968, Japan was not immune to the left-wing student movements that swept through many countries around the world, culminating in the creation of the Red Army faction. Cuban Lover openly advocates revolution and Los lobos del Este offers the touching portrait of a dreamer, the last wolf of his generation of idealists...? A genuine curiosity!
Ventura Films SA / Suisse / Elda Guidinetti / guidinetti@venturafilm.ch